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HomeJoin or Donate Landing Page

In response to recent changes by LWV US, LWV Greenwich has changed its structure so that the primary difference in benefits between being a Donor and being a Member is that only Members may attend and vote at officially-designated Meetings of the Membership.


All are welcome!

When you Donate to LWV Greenwich

100% of your donation supports
local LWV Greenwich activities. 

It is entirely tax-deductible.

For assistance contact:

When you Join LWV US/CT/Greenwich

Your membership fees support:
LWV Greenwich (20%), LWV CT (80%), and LWV US (0%).

20% is tax deductible.

For instructions please refer to this: LWV US  Instructional Video

For assistance contact:


New Member Signup
Existing Member Renewal

For more
information about
Donations and
click here.

You can both join ($20 minimum)
and donate!