Student "Essay" Contest Winners
LWV Greenwich is pleased to announce the results of our 5th Annual LWV Greenwich Student "Essay" Contest. Students in grades 3-12 who live in or go to school in Greenwich responded to the prompt: Why should people vote? in their choice of format. Every entry was outstanding; see the top projects below. The Award Winners were recognized at our Annual Dinner on Wednesday, June 5th.
Topic Prompt
Why should people vote?
About 66% of the eligible voting population turned out for the 2020 Presidential election, the highest since 1900, per Pew Research Center. This means one third of Americans do not vote. How can you convince them to exercise this essential right?
Elementary School Jackson Lowe Old Greenwich School 5th Grade Carter the Cat a cartoon Prize: $100 gift certificate to Athena Books
Middle School Adriana Bozza Caroline Stowe Adriana Pia Portolano Vergona Pauline Wells Central Middle School 8th Grade
No Vote, No Choice: No Vote No Voice Video No Vote, No Choice: No Vote, No Voice Script a play Prize: $100 gift certificate to Diane's Books left to right: Adriana V., Pauline, Caroline, Adriana B.:
High School Runner-Up Alexa Loera Greenwich High School 10th Grade "Preservation" a poem Prize: $250
High School Runner-Up Natasha Arakal Keira Frascella Sacred Heart Greenwich 11th Grade Why Vote? a PSA (public service announcement) Prize: $250
High School Winner Justin Qu Greenwich High School 11th Grade Why Vote Essay a paper Prize: $500
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