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Tariffs, Taxes, and the Trump Economy
Special Guest Larry Kantor

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 | 5:30 pm via Zoom

As the new administration assumes power in Washington, how will their economic policies unfold? What impact will they have on inflation, the markets, trade, deficits, and the US dollar? We welcomed Larry Kantor to discuss what economic changes we can expect over the coming years from the proposed new policies on tariffs, trade, taxation, cost-cutting, immigration, and more. Larry’s long and distinguished career in finance includes roles as the former Head of Research for Barclays Capital and former Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington, DC.

For Larry Kantor's bio:  click HERE

Candidate Debates
State Senate 36th District &
State Representatives 149th, 150th, 151st Districts

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 | 7:00 pm

LWV Greenwich presented the candidate debates for Connecticut State Senator and State Representatives at Town Hall, with questions submitted in advance by registrants. The debates were moderated by Kay Maxwell, a past president of both the National and the Connecticut League of Women Voters. She was assisted by Zara Haque, a Greenwich High School student.

Thank you to Don Conway of GCTV for recording the event. 

Election Integrity
A Panel Discussion with
The Registrars of Voters and The Elections Group

Monday, September 30th, 2024 | 7:00 pm via Zoom

An informative Zoom panel discussion, with Q&A, on the measures in place both in Greenwich and around the country to safeguard the integrity of our elections. Topics ranged from pre-election testing procedures to post-election audits, including how election officials ensure the security of mail-in ballots and how they are managing threats posed by AI.

Our panelists were Greenwich’s two Registrars of Voters, Fred De Caro III and Mary Hegarty, experts in the steps our election officials take to make sure every vote cast is lawful and every vote is counted. and Jennifer Morrell, the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of The Elections Group, a non-partisan organization that supports election professionals with programs, training, and resources. Ms. Morell is a nationally-recognized expert on election audits. She has consulted and provided guidance on all aspects of elections administration, including mail/absentee ballot processing, physical and cybersecurity, audits and chain of custody considerations.

Learn about Ms. Morrell and The Elections Group: more info HERE.

Legislators' Wrap-Up
Moderated by Shelly Cryer

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 | 5:30 pm

During a gathering at Burning Tree Country Club, Greenwich's State Senator - Ryan Fazio (District 36, R), and State Representatives - Rachel Khanna (District 149, D), Stephen Meskers (District 150, D), and Hector Arzeno (District 151, D) -  provided an overview of the past legislative session and a view to next year.

Thank you to Don Conway of GCTV for recording the event.

"The Nation That Never Was" with
University of Pennsylvania Professor Kermit Roosevelt, III
and Yale University Professor Akhil Reed Amar

Monday, March 18th, 2024 | 7:00 pm in the Berkley Theater

LWV Greenwich, Greenwich Library, and Connecticut Public welcomed constitutional law professors Kermit Roosevelt, III and Akhil Reed Amar for a thought-provoking discussion of "The Nation That Never Was". In this new book Professor Roosevelt, the great-great grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt, challenges us to re-examine the traditional narrative of America's foundation. His colleague and former teacher, Professor Amar, engaged him in conversation about his new take on the American story, followed by audience Q&A.

Thanks to Diane's Books for providing copies of both Professor Roosevelt's book and Professor Amar's "The Words That Made Us" for sale at the event.

Speaker Bios: Kermit Roosevelt III   Akhil Reed Amar

Tackling Climate Change
The Importance of Finding Bi-Partisan Solutions with Senator Chris Murphy and Former Representative Bob Inglis

Monday, February 26th, 2024 | 11:00 am  

Senator Murphy and Former Representative Inglis, currently the Executive Director of RepublicEn, held a timely discussion about the importance of bi-partisan cooperation on the issue of climate change.  The Senator updated us on legislative progress with his Republican colleagues in Congress on environmental issues.  Mr. Inglis described his evolution on this issue, along with his mission to re-frame the challenge of climate change in a way that better engages his fellow conservatives.   

Speaker Bios: Senator Chris Murphy Bob Inglis,  

Talking Transportation with the Connecticut Transportation Commission
Commissioner Garrett T. Eucalitto

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024 | 7:00 pm

Transportation issues affect the lives of virtually everyone in the Greenwich Community. From traffic and noise on I95 to charging stations for electric vehicles to safe streets for pedestrians, the Connecticut Department of Transportation is working to improve the day-to-day lives of our residents. Watch this Zoom discussion with CT Commissioner of Transportation Garrett T. Eucalitto including an introduction by State Representative Rachel Khanna, member of the Connecticut State Transportation Committee, and a moderated audience Q&A session.

LWV Greenwich Town Clerk Debate
Moderated by Sandra Waters and JoAnn Messina

Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 | 7:00 pm

This LWV Greenwich Town Clerk Debate between Democratic candidate Lucy Von Brachel and incumbent Republican candidate Jackie Budkins was held via Zoom.

LWV Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) Debate
Moderated by Kay Maxwell with Jack Howes

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 | 6:00 pm

This debate featured the 5 of the 6 Democratic candidates (Leslie Moriarty, Stephen Selbst, Matt DesChamps, Elliot Alchek, and David Weisbrod -- Scott Kalb was unable to attend) and the 6 Republican candidates (Leslie Tarkington, David Alfano, Nisha Arora, Lucia Jansen, Karen Fassuliotis, and Harry Fisher).  All 12 candidates will serve on the BET.  Voters determine which party elects the Chair, who has a tie-breaking vote.  A 3-minute video at the beginning explains how voting works for the BET. The debate was structured to permit back-and-forth discussion between parties to clarify their positions on the issues.

LWV Greenwich Board of Education Debate
Moderated by Laura Smits with Hanna Klingbeil

Thursday, October 12th, 2023 | 7:00 pm

This LWV Greenwich Board of Education debate took place in the Meeting Room in the Greenwich Town Hall.  It featured 3 of the 4 candidates for the Board of Education: Democrats Sophie Koven and Karen Hirsh, and Republican Karen Kowalski. Republican Wendy Vizzo Walsh withdrew on October 10.

LWV Greenwich Board of Selectmen Debate
Moderated by Kay Maxwell with Hanna Klingbeil

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 | 6:00 pm

LWV Greenwich kicked off its season of candidate debates with a double-header: the two candidates for Selectperson (Janet Stone McGuigan and Lauren Rabin) followed by the two candidates for First Selectperson (Fred Camillo and Laura Erickson).  

Democracy vs. Autocracy:
Russia, China, and the Impact at Home
A Foreign Policy Discussion with Dr. Evelyn Farkas,
Executive Director of the McCain Institue

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 | 5:30 pm

LWV Greenwich and Greenwich Library presented a discussion on foreign policy with Dr. Evelyn Farkas, Executive Director of the McCain Institute.  Dr. Farkas click here for bio  is one of the nation's premier voices on American foreign policy and geopolitics and a trusted expert on U.S. - Russia relations. Dr. Farkas  discussed the conflict in Ukraine as well as broader geopolitical and regional implications. Following her presentation, Dr. Farkas was interviewed by Carol Giacomo click here for bio , a former member of  The New York Times editorial board and a former diplomatic correspondent in Washington for the international wire service Reuters, who covered foreign policy for more than two decades.  A moderated audience Q&A followed.

LWV Greenwich Capital Projects Study Committee
Community Presentation

Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 | 5:30 pm

LWV Greenwich is proud to release its Capital Projects Funding Study to provide the Greenwich community with transparency on how capital projects are selected, prioritized, calendared, and funded.  The Capital Projects Study Committee presented the study publicly for the first time in July. 

Nancy Duffy, Helaine Winer, Sandy Waters.  Photo: Leslie Yager, Greenwich Free Press.
Read full GFP article here.

Deirdre Kamlani, Lucy Nalpathanchil, Themis Klarides, Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Caroline Simmons.  Photo: LWV Greenwich.

Leading with Civility & Respect: The Role of Women in Politics

Thursday, June 1st, 2023 | 7 pm

The LWV Greenwich and our event co-sponsors, the Greenwich Library and Connecticut Public, want to thank the over 300 people who registered for our June 1st event "Leading with Civility & Respect: The Role of Women in Politics" at the Berkley Theater. We are also grateful to the event panelists: Democratic Stamford Mayor, Caroline Simmons; Former Republican State House Leader, Themis Klarides; the Executive Director Emerita of the National Institute for Civil Discourse, Dr. Carolyn Lukensmeyer; and, our moderator, Lucy Nalpathanchil, VP for Community Engagement, Connecticut Public. The discussion and the Q&A session provided useful tools for thinking about and conducting civil and respectful conversations. Please take the time to watch the video of the event.

Lucy Nalpathanchil, Themis KlaridesCarolyn Lukensmeyer, Caroline Simmons.
Photo: MediaVision Creative.

The Connecticut Plan for Economic Growth
A Presentation by and Discussion with David Lehman,
Former Senior Economic Adviser to Governor Lamont

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 | 7 pm

>David Lehman is former Senior Economic Advisor to Governor Lamont and Commissioner of the CT Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), the state agency that oversees programs promoting business growth, brownfield redevelopment, the arts, historic preservation and tourism.

He discussed what strategy and steps are being pursued to:
* attract businesses to Connecticut
* retain and support existing Connecticut businesses
* employ graduates of local universities at Connecticut companies and startups.