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HomeEvents5th Annual Student "Essay" Contest

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5th Annual Student "Essay" Contest

About this event

Students in grades 3-12 who live in or go to school in Greenwich are encouraged to enter the 5th Annual LWV Greenwich Student "Essay" Contest. Submission deadline extended to May 1st.  No fee required! Winning entries will be published on this web site, and the authors will be publicized in the local press. Prizes are $250-$500 for college tuition or $100 gift certificates. Click HERE for "Essay" contest instructions and submission links.

PROMPT: Why should people vote?

About 66% of the eligible voting population turned out for the 2020 Presidential election, the highest since 1900, per Pew Research Center. This means one third of Americans do not vote. How can you convince them to exercise this essential right?

Voting is very important in the United States. Let's get voting!


Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Event Contact(s)

Aaron P Hull


LWV Greenwich Events

Registration Info

Registration is not Required